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Donald offers the works, Canadian landscape paintings, abstracts, limited edition prints on canvas and fine art.
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Donald offers the works, Canadian landscape paintings, abstracts, limited edition prints on canvas and fine art.
Collectible oil landscape paintings, abstract paintings and limited edition fine art prints by Canadian Artist, Donald Flather
Founding Member of The Federation of Canadian Artists
Donald offers the works, Canadian landscape paintings, abstracts, limited edition prints on canvas and fine art.
Donald offers the works, Canadian landscape paintings, abstracts, limited edition prints on canvas and fine art.
Donald offers the works, Canadian landscape paintings, abstracts, limited edition prints on canvas and fine art.
To Donald Flather's home page. The virtual art Gallery showcasing over 300 of Donald's original, Canadian oil paintings. Donald's biography and Painting Exhibition history. Info on how to purchase Donald Flather's fine art. and limited edition canvas prints Click here to contact us.
Donald offers the works, Canadian landscape paintings, abstracts, limited edition prints on canvas and fine art.
Donald offers the works, Canadian landscape paintings, abstracts, limited edition prints on canvas and fine art. Donald offers the works, Canadian landscape paintings, abstracts, limited edition prints on canvas and fine art. Donald offers the works, Canadian landscape paintings, abstracts, limited edition prints on canvas and fine art. Donald offers the works, Canadian landscape paintings, abstracts, limited edition prints on canvas and fine art. Donald offers the works, Canadian landscape paintings, abstracts, limited edition prints on canvas and fine art. Donald offers the works, Canadian landscape paintings, abstracts, limited edition prints on canvas and fine art. Donald offers the works, Canadian landscape paintings, abstracts, limited edition prints on canvas and fine art. Donald offers the works, Canadian landscape paintings, abstracts, limited edition prints on canvas and fine art. Donald offers the works, Canadian landscape paintings, abstracts, limited edition prints on canvas and fine art.
Fine art divider
Donald offers the works, Canadian landscape paintings, abstracts, limited edition prints on canvas and fine art. Donald Flather's Biography and Exhibition History Donald offers the works, Canadian landscape paintings, abstracts, limited edition prints on canvas and fine art.
Donald offers the works, Canadian landscape paintings, abstracts, limited edition prints on canvas and fine art.
  Donald offers the works, Canadian landscape paintings, abstracts, limited edition prints on canvas and fine art.    

Donald at Eva Lake, 1962
Donald at Eva Lake, Rocky Mountains in 1962.


Donald Flather, artiste très talentueux, a toujours allié son amour de la nature avec un incroyable besoin de produire une grande quantité d'œuvres toutes aussi merveilleuses les unes que les autres.

Tout au long de sa vie il a peint plus de 400 toiles qui ont représenté tous les paysages s'étalant de la côte est à la côte ouest du Canada. Il aimait aussi peindre les animaux et les végétaux.

Devenu enseignant par vocation, il a consacré une grande partie de sa vie (de 1919 à 1990) à la peinture. Son style bien particulier fut influencé par l'Impressionnisme français et par le Groupe de Sept créé en Ontario vers 1910.

Donald Flather était un grand complice de Lawren Harris, fondateur du Groupe des Sept. Les deux hommes ont travaillé ensemble pendant plusieurs années au directoire de la Fédération des Artistes canadiens (cliquez ici pour visiter leur site), dont Donald Flather était l'un des fondateurs. Un peu plus tard, il est devenu le Trésorier de la Fédération Nationale des Artistes Canadiens.

Dès 1938, ses toiles furent exposées régulièrement à la Fédération des Artistes de Colombie Britannique (dont il fût le secrétaire de 1940 à 1950) à Vancouver. La Galerie d'Art de Toronto, à l'est du Canada, a aussi présenté ses toiles.

C'était un homme très modeste qui ne cherchait pas vraiment à promouvoir son art. A son décès, son petit fils Dave a découvert des tas de toiles inconnues bien rangées dans toutes les pièces de la maison du peintre à Vancouver. Il y avait des peintures partout, de la cave au grenier. Des trésors merveilleux qui ont convaincu le jeune homme de les montrer au monde entier.

Donald Flather a passé toute son enfance dans la région du lac Shuswap. A l'âge de vingt ans il a déménagé à Vancouver. C'est à cette époque qu'il a commencé à peindre pendant ses loisirs.

Diplômé de l'Université de Colombie Britannique (U.B.C.) il avait un B.A / M.A .

Son premier poste de professeur se passa à Templeton. Il enseigna ensuite au lycée Britannia and King George, dont il devint le Vice Principal.

Pendant plusieurs années, il dirigea les cours du soir sur le Campus King Edward à Vancouver.

Son diplôme d'enseignant supérieur en poche il fût muté à l'Université de Washington en 1950. Lui et sa gentille épouse Grace, eurent trois garçons : Elwood, Barrie et Verne qui sont tous devenus médecins et ont fondé de belles familles.

Les travaux de Donald Flather mettent en évidence une combinaison merveilleuse entre ses activités de professeur, de botaniste, de biologiste, de scientifique, et de peintre. Tout son savoir s'est intégré avec succès dans son art.

Son plus grand souhait était que d'autres personnes puissent avoir le bonheur de voir et d'apprécier à travers ses peintures la beauté du monde telle qu'il la percevait lui-même.

Ses peintures font partie maintenant de toutes les grandes collections au Canada, en Asie, aux Etats-Unis et en Grande-Bretagne.

Traduction amicale de Claudine Boutet - France

View the Gallery

  Donald offers the works, Canadian landscape paintings, abstracts, limited edition prints on canvas and fine art. Donald offers the works, Canadian landscape paintings, abstracts, limited edition prints on canvas and fine art.        
Donald offers the works, Canadian landscape paintings, abstracts, limited edition prints on canvas and fine art.

1. Circa 1945 -1955. Annual BC Artists Exhibitions at the Vancouver Art Gallery - Juried Shows.
Donald participated in many of these -usually exhibiting 2 of his works in each, alongside great artists like Emily Carr and Lawren Harris.

2. March 21 to April 18, 1991. Solo Show -North Vancouver Court House and City Hall.
Approximately 40 of Donald's paintings were on Public Display only.

3. June 29 -July 30, 1997. Solo show -The Plaza Galleries.
Approximately 25 works on display.

4. Jan. 5 -Feb. 1, 1998. "Canada's Majestic Seasons". Solo show held at The West Vancouver Public Library.
Approximately 25 works on display.

5. Spring, 1999. Featured Artist in Beautiful BC Magazine. Articel titled: "The Secret Life of Donald Flather".
 Magazine story
Written by Daniel Wood.
Quote: "He painted for over 50 years, totally unrecognized, every week, every month, every year." Article contained 7 paintings and was approx. 8 pages. Click here for details...
en Francais...

6. April 7 to April 29, 2000. "Unveil the Trail" -joint show held in Victoria in support of the Trans Canada Trail Project.
9 paintings on display.

7. June 26 - July 18, 2000.

Donald Flather and Mildred Thornton

"Pioneers in Canadian Art". Joint show with Mildred Valley Thornton held at The Federation of Canadian Artists and Westbridge Fine Art.
24 of Donald's paintings on display.

As part of the fundraising campaign for The Federation of Canadian Artists, this show will be one of the first of its kind for the Federation, as it will look at Artists who helped mold the Canadian and BC Art scene during the period when the Federation was formed in 1941. Lawren Harris, Emily Carr and Donald Flather were original members of this important Artist's Association.

Both Donald and Mildred shared a concern for both the Environment as well as Canada's Indigenous Peoples. Both dedicated a great deal of their lives to documenting Canada's stunning Wilderness, as well as important Cultures and their Peoples.

An aerial view of part of the show at the FCA Gallery

8. October, 2002. Vancouver Art Gallery permanent collection.

Exhibition Dates: August 25, 2003 thru December 12, 2003.
Location: Centennial Theatre for Performing Arts, North Vancouver

10. Donald M. Flather - A Solo Exhibition

Opening night:
Petley Jones Gallery
Thursday, Dec. 2nd, 7:00- 9:00pm
2239 Granville St., Vancouver, BC

Over 40 paintings were shown, including many never previously exhibited. Exhibition continued thru Dec. 11, 2004

11.MAGAZIN'art. Winter 2006 issue. 2 Featured articles: 1 en francais, 1 in English. 6 paintings shown, article written by Tamara Pastor.

Donald offers the works, Canadian landscape paintings, abstracts, limited edition prints on canvas and fine art.Donald offers the works, Canadian landscape paintings, abstracts, limited edition prints on canvas and fine art.Paintings reproduced in the Article:
Just click on the images to see them in detail.
Click here for details on this fine Canadian painting by Donald Flather
Donald offers the works, Canadian landscape paintings, abstracts, limited edition prints on canvas and fine art.
Click here for details on this fine Canadian painting by Donald Flather
Donald offers the works, Canadian landscape paintings, abstracts, limited edition prints on canvas and fine art.
Click here for details on this fine Canadian painting by Donald Flather
Donald offers the works, Canadian landscape paintings, abstracts, limited edition prints on canvas and fine art.
Click here for details on this fine Canadian painting by Donald Flather
Click here for details on this fine Canadian painting by Donald Flather
Click here for details on this fine Canadian painting by Donald Flather
Donald offers the works, Canadian landscape paintings, abstracts, limited edition prints on canvas and fine art.

12. "Landscapes Across Canada"
A special solo art exhibition featuring the artworks of Donald Flather - Sept. - Oct. 2008.

Location: Centennial Theatre for Performing Arts, North Vancouver

Magazin'art - features Donald Flather
The site of Canada's Premiere Art Magazine, featuring Donald Flather in the Winter, 2006 issue.

Fine art divider offers the works, Canadian landscape paintings, abstracts, limited edition prints on canvas and fine art.
Donald offers the works, Canadian landscape paintings, abstracts, limited edition prints on canvas and fine art.
Copyright 1996 - 2021. All rights reserved offers the works, Canadian landscape paintings, abstracts, limited edition prints on canvas and fine art.
Art for sale corner spacer Donald offers the works, Canadian landscape paintings, abstracts, limited edition prints on canvas and fine art.
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